We are blessed to offer Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament near daily in our Parish. Could you make a commitment to sit with the Lord for an hour a week? Get in touch with the Office to sign up.

Mondays & Wednesdays 6pm - 7pm Mass

Tuesdays 10am Mass - 7pm

Thursdays 10am - 5pm

Friday 2pm - 7pm Mass

Saturdays 11am Mass - 12pm / end of confessions


St Joseph’s and St Edmund’s Catholic Churches

We are a strong Catholic community at the heart of Southampton, blessed with two churches, daily Mass and regular Eucharistic Adoration.

To all new arrivals, we extend a very warm welcome, do fill in the online registration form if you are able.

Make a donation.

Bank Transfer Details: Bank Account No. 00888223 Sort Code 30-93-04 Bank Account Name CDP SOUJE

We ask when you make a donation that you indicate in the Payment Reference the purpose for our ease of allocating funds. For example, ‘MASS INT’ for Mass Intentions ‘PARISH’ for regular payments, and so forth.

If you are a gift aider and are not sure you have registered this please get in touch with the office or email asmyllie@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk it is a big help at no extra cost to you!

Without the generosity of our parishioners and visitors we simply could not operate.